Monday 13 February 2017


(On Val's Day and Always)

Come away, my love
From  throngs of merrymakers who delight 
Just in the drooling face of day,
And let me be the light of a thousand brilliance
That illuminates the dark corners of seasons walled
In the womb of mortality;
The zephyr that passes her gentle fingers through layers
Of affection uncracked by Time's covetous touch.
Or does Val's day at all-times play?
Most who sing under Its caressing  wings
Think It just a day

Come away, my love
So we both will this day and other days play
Holding each other by hand  and soul to soul
Be welded in love so eternal.
Let's in winged seraphs or Jove's feathered wings
Ride sprightly across the watchful sky
Perfuming each moment we share
With the sweet fragrance of our Val.