Saturday 24 November 2018


Tell the world about me when I'm no more
I am that soldier wielding a rusty AK 47
Against enemies with sophisticated weapons
Dying for a country that will refuse
To announce my fall.

Tell the world about me when I'm gone
I might become that husband whose wife and kids
Diligently await his return
Yet know not that I have become one with the earth.

Sing my name in your songs
For too many like me have fallen
Without ever getting a mention
Our names are bullets, shot into oblivion
We are the unknown soldiers, never to be known!

Remember me,
When all that matters to them
Are the positions they vie for
When all that matters
Is concealing the truth
To shade their mansion of incompetency
When all that matters
Is trading in snake skins
And raising skyscrapers in Dubai
When all that matters to them
Is a war that never ends
So they would continue to collect its waters
To water their lush farms
Remember me!

Remember me oh comrade
For you and I have stood side by side
Fending off enemy bullets in the heat of battle
Remember me when I'm no more
Remember me, dear brother
Remember me... if you survive this war
Dulce et decorum est...